Heart Month Employee Spotlight: Belinda Lu, MD
February 19, 2022

Each Saturday in February meet a member of our staff and learn about steps they take to try to stay healthy and take care of their hearts despite their busy lifestyles. We hope this will inspire you to put HEART into your routine!
Meet Belinda Lu, MD, Internal Medicine
Dr. Lu is a wound care physician at STRHS. She has worked at STRHS since moving to Tennessee in 2007 following training in Maryland. Dr. Lu started her career at STRHS as a Hospitalist. We asked Dr. Lu to share about the steps she takes to try to stay healthy and take care of her heart and why it is important to her...
What steps do you take to stay healthy and take care of her heart with you busy lifestyle?
"I stay fairly active and try to do something daily to keep moving. I rock climb with the family, hike/trail run when the weather permits, and I absolutely love obstacle course racing. I also try to make good choices in what I eat but stay realistic and flexible about it. I don't believe in restricting food groups unless there is a medical condition that necessitates it."
Why is it important to you to take these steps to stay healthy and take care of your heart?
"I do all these things so I can stay adventurous and keep up with my kids and set a good example to my patients."
February is American Heart Month, and you can count on us to help you know yours. Knowing important information like your blood pressure, cholesterol numbers and family heart history can help you make any necessary changes to get and stay healthy. Need a provider? Call 800.424.DOCS(3627) or visit the “Find a Doctor” tab at SouthernTNWinchester.com to make an appointment. You can also take our free heart health assessment at SouthernTnWinchester.com/heart. For more information on heart health, visit heart.org.